
Here the reason why U.P Goverment Killed Atik Ahmad.

  Atique Ahmed   (10 August 1962 - 15 April 2023) was   an Indian criminal , politician and a former member of   Indian Parliament   and   Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly   from   Samajwadi Party .   He was elected as a member of the legislative assembly from the   Allahabad   west seat for 5 consecutive terms which is a record. From 2004–2009, he was elected as a   Samajwadi Party   candidate for the   14th Lok Sabha   from   Phulpur   in   Uttar Pradesh . Between the years 1999-2003, he was the president of the   Apna Dal , founded by Sone Lal Patel.   He had more than 100 criminal cases registered against him and was in jail since 2019. Ahmed fought several elections from jail while being lodged under various charges.On 15 December 2016, he was arrested once again for assaulting staff of the  Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences . Early and personal life Atique was married to Shaista Praveen.The couple had five sons- Ali , Umar Ahmad, Asad, Ahzaan a

Divine Teachings: 10 Life Lessons from Shree Krishna in Bhagavad Gita

  Shree Krishna provides many life lessons in the Bhagavad Gita. Here are ten of them: Control Your Mind: Shree Krishna emphasizes the importance of controlling the mind. He states that the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Perform Your Duty: Shree Krishna urges us to perform our duty without attachment to the outcome. He says that it is better to do your own duty poorly than someone else's duty well. Renounce the Fruit of Your Actions: Shree Krishna advises us to renounce the fruit of our actions. He says that we should perform our actions without being attached to the outcome. Practice Yoga: Shree Krishna explains the importance of practicing yoga. He describes yoga as the path to peace and liberation. Be Equanimous: Shree Krishna advises us to be equanimous. He says that we should be unaffected by pleasure and pain, and treat them both the same. Surrender to God: Shree Krishna advises us to surrender to God. He says that surrendering to God is the ultimate

Inspiring the Greats: How the Bhagavad Gita Influenced Famous Personalities

"Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps, and whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues."                                                                                                     -- -BHAGAVAD GITA                                The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most revered texts in Hinduism, and its teachings have influenced people all over the world. The Gita has inspired many famous personalities, both in India and beyond, to seek deeper meaning in their lives and strive for spiritual growth. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most well-known personalities who have been inspired by the Bhagavad Gita. Mahatma Gandhi - Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation, was deeply influenced by the Bhagavad Gita. He considered the Gita to be his spiritual guide and source of inspiration throughout his life. Gandhi saw the Gita as a call to action and used its teachings to guide his n

The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of Self-Realization and Universal Wisdom

  The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Hindu scripture that has gained worldwide recognition and has been translated into numerous languages. It is a text that contains teachings on various aspects of life, including spiritual and philosophical principles. Here are some reasons why the Bhagavad Gita is important for the whole world: Universal teachings: The Bhagavad Gita contains universal teachings that can be applied to all individuals, regardless of their religion, caste, or creed. Its principles of karma, dharma, and self-realization are relevant to everyone. Inspiration: The Gita has inspired many individuals, including leaders and thinkers, to seek higher knowledge and wisdom. It has influenced various fields, including literature, art, and philosophy,and inspired many great people like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Oppenheimer, Nikola Tesla, Carl Yang, George Harrison and many more. Guidance in decision-making: The Gita provides guidance on how to make decisions that al